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Membership is limited to ensure the best experience. Only 1 5 Spots Left
TrackMan 4 captures 26 club and ball data points for every swing
Monthly members who practice with TrackMan have lowered their official handicap by 6-10 strokes from last season to this season. The feedback provided by TrackMan arms you with the power to improve your distance and accuracy for every club in your bag.
Farmington Membership Options
When you join we will ask you to watch our Orientation Video which will give you an overview of the studio and a tutorial on how to use the TrackMan software and system. You will also receive an email with our membership agreement which you can sign digitally. We will then arrange a time to get you your key fob and you will be ready to go!
Our Members Love Private Fairway!
Contact Us for a Free Trial or
for More Information
Our Location
Private Fairway Farmington
1050 W Shepard Lane #5
Farmington, Utah
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